an acid rain - rain that contains harmful chemicals that collect in the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned, to ban - to not allow something (eg. smoking, alcohol, plastic bags, protest marches, etc.), the carbon dioxide (CO2) - a gas that's released when carbon is burned (for example coal or oil), or when people or animals breathe out, the carbon footprint - a measurement of the amount of carbon-dioxide a person adds to the atmosphere, to carpool - to share a car instead of driving one alone, a clearcutting - a forestry or logging practice in which most or all trees in an area are cut down, climate change - long-term global changes in temperature, wind patterns, rainfall etc., to compost - to put organic waste like vegetable peels, uneaten food, grass clippings and leaves into a large container that breaks it down into healthy soil, to commute - to travel from home to work and back, to consume - to use things like energy, fuel, materials, food, water, etc., a developing country - a poor nation that's gradually becoming richer and more advanced, the domestic waste - rubbish or garbage from a house or apartment, to donate - to give money or goods to an organization you want to help or support, to dump - to put waste in the wrong place (eg. put toxic waste into a river), endangered species - animals or plants in danger of becoming extinct or disappearing in the near future, energy-efficient - able to use less energy (esp. of vehicles, appliances, buildings, etc.), an ecosystem - the complex system of relationships between living things and their environment, to emit - to release or project something (eg. light, sound, smoke, gas, radiation, etc.), to extinct - no longer existing or lost forever (of an animal, bird or plant species), the food chain - the order in which organisms in an ecosystem eat one another, a fossil fuel - a fuel like oil or coal formed from very old plant and animal fossils, to minimize - to reduce as much as possible, a pesticide - a chemical that's sprayed on crops to stop insects from destroying them, to pollute - to release waste substances into the air, water and soil, to preserve - to keep something in its original state, to protect - to keep from harm, to recycle - to make something new from materials that have been used before, renewable - can be used without running out, esp. of energy sources like solar and wind, to rely on - to depend on (or need) someone or something, the wildlife - animals, birds, insects, etc. living naturally in the wild,

Talking about the environment


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