Urban - relating to a city or town., Aspect - a particular part or feature of something., Urbanisation - the process by which an increasing proportion of a country's population comes to live in urban areas, Suburbs - the outer parts of a city or large town., Productive - producing goods or services effectively, Tend to - to regularly or frequently behave in a certain way., Income - money received, especially on a regular basis., Concentration - the action of gathering together closely., Spread out - to distribute over a wide area., Dense - crowded closely together., Food miles - the distance food travels from where it is produced to where it is consumed., Attempt - an effort to accomplish something., Consumption - the use of resources such as food, energy, or materials., Enhance - to improve or increase., Phenomenon - an observable event or occurrence., Industrial - relating to manufacturing and production., Majority - the greater number or part., Varied - many, showing a great deal of diversity., Safety - the state of being protected from harm or danger., Distribution - the action of sharing or delivering commodities., Carbon-neutral - keeping the amount of carbon out the same as the carbon in, Utilise - make practical and effective use of something.,



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