MASKMAN: Hello, Marie. What’s that? MARIE: It’s my computer. It’s my favourite toy. MASKMAN: Oh, … MARIE: What’s your favourite toy, Maskman? MASKMAN: My car. It’s blue and black. It’s ‘the Maskman Car’. MARIE: Oh, that’s nice. Where is it? MASKMAN: It’s there, next to the toy box. , MONTY: No, it isn’t next to the toy box, Maskman. MASKMAN: Oh, no! Where’s my car?, MONTY: Is it in the toy box? MASKMAN: No, it isn’t., MARIE: Is it under the table? MASKMAN: No, it isn’t under the table. Ooohh. Where’s my car? MARIE: I don’t know, Maskman. Is it on the chair? MASKMAN: No, it isn’t., MONTY: Look, Maskman. It’s OK. It’s here, in the bag. MASKMAN: Oh, thank you, Monty., MASKMAN: My Maskman Car..

Kid's Box 1 Unit 3


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