1) Do you think it is easier to get special ... online? a) offers b) sales 2) Have you ever had ...? a) goods b) a credit card 3) Do you always pay for food shopping in ...? a) cash b) exchange 4) Do you prefer to get things ... rather than go to the shop? a) refunded b) delivered 5) Do you buy new gadgets as soon as they go ... sale? a) on b) in 6) Do you think that bigger ... such as washing machines are cheaper online? a) refunds b) goods 7) Do you like to ... up for a special purchase? a) save b) pay 8) Do you always pay for purchases ... credit card? a) in b) by 9) Do you ever waste time looking for a ...? a) refund b) bargain 10) Have you ever changed your mind about something and ... an order online? a) cancelled b) paid for 11) Do you regularly ... clothes you buy in store? a) exchange b) cancel 12) Do you always ... the receipts for everything you buy? a) deliver b) keep 13) Have you ever got a ... for something you’ve bought? a) sale b) refund 14) Do you spend time looking around to find a good ...? a) deal b) receipt 15) Do you always go to the January ... on the day they start? a) sales b) bargains

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