1) What color is the mysterious gate? a) Yellow b) Cream c) Gold d) Grey e) White f) Red 2) Why are the starfish hid under the rocks? a) Because they are happy to see mermaid b) Because they are in fear and tired c) Because it's their first time to see a sea person d) Because they are a starfish e) Because they want to see Patrick f) Because they want to surprise the mermaid 3) Why Mermaid Aria can't speak with the strange ocean creatures? a) Because the strange ocean creatures didn't like Aria b) Because Aria speak in English c) Because Aria is in different ocean d) Because it's too hard to speak in a dirty water e) Because they speak different languages f) Because they didn't care 4) Who saved Mermaid Aria? a) An old jellyfish b) A jellyfish c) A white jellyfish d) A beautiful jellyfish e) A care jellyfish f) A jellyfish that speak English 5) How the dirty water became clean? a) Because the two oceans came together b) Because the two oceans stick together c) Because Poseidon break the mysterious gate d) Because of Mermaid Aria's goodwill e) Because the jellyfish asked Poseidon to clean the dirty water f) Because the two oceans separated 6) Why the sea creatures were very happy? a) Because the water became clean b) Because there was a lot of sea creatures c) Because they met Poseidon d) Because they prefer the dirty water e) Because the sea creatures were not hungry anymore f) Because Mermaid Aria can met her father again 7) What is the moral of the story? a) Every languages always opens the gates of a new world b) Not every languages should be learn c) Don't learn new languages if it's difficult for you d) Learn every languages is a must e) English is very important f) We should just learn one language

Little Mermaid Aria and The Mysterious Gate


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