1) What did the first pig build his house out of? a) Straw b) Steel c) Wood d) Bricks 2) What did the second pig build his house out of? a) Straw b) Wood c) Bricks d) Steel 3) What did the youngest (the third) pig build his house out of? a) Straw b) Wood c) Bricks d) Steel 4) What happened to the first pig's wooden house when the wolf huffed and puffed? a) It collapsed. b) It caught on fire. c) It flew away. d) It remained intact. 5) What happened to the second pig's wooden house when the wolf huffed and puffed? a) It collapsed. b) It caught on fire. c) It flew away. d) It remained intact. 6) What happened to the third pig's wooden house when the wolf huffed and puffed? a) It collapsed. b) It caught on fire. c) It flew away. d) It remained intact. 7) How did the wolf try to enter the brick house? a) Through the door. b) Through the window. c) Through the chimney. d) Through the walls. 8) What happened to the wolf in the end? a) It escaped. b) It burned to death. c) It ran away. d) It destroyed the brick house. 9) What did the three pigs do after the wolf ran away? a) They moved to a different house. b) They rebuilt their houses. c) They lived happily ever after.

Three little pigs


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