1) How old is she? choose the correct one a) Mary is twelve years old b) Mary is nineteen years old c) Mary is twenty five years old d) Mary is twenty years old 2) What's her cat's name? choose the correct one a) The cat's name is Luni b) The cat's name is Furry c) The cat's name is Kuyi d) The cat's name is Lucy 3) What he has? choose the correct one a) She has cars b) He has legos c) She has Barbies d) He has books 4) What time does his school start and end? choose the correct one a) His school starts at 9 am and ends at 4 pm b) His school starts at 8 pm and ends at 4 am c) His school starts at 7 am and ends at 5 pm d) His school starts at 8 am and ends at 4 pm 5) Choose the incorrect one a) They have an orange tree in front of the garden b) They have a coconut tree in the back of the garden c) They have a big garden d) She loves to play in the garden with her cousins 6) Choose the incorrect one a) Jacob has cucumber for breakfast b) He loves eating breakfast with his family c) They eat sausages d) His family doesn't eat fish for breakfast 7) Who is her English teacher? choose the correct one a) b) c) d) 8) What does he do for his grandparents? choose the correct one a) He helps cooking b) She runs errands for them c) She does laundry d) He runs errands for them 9) Can you help Karen to buy the right thing? choose the correct one a) b) c) d) e) f) 10) Can you help the little boy find his dog? choose the correct one a) b) c) d)


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