Who do you get on with?, Who do you sometimes have arguments with? What do you aargue about?, What do you find frustrating? How do you solve this problem?, What search enjine do you usually use? Why? How can you characterise it?, Have you got any commitment? What is it?, How many search requests do you make every day? What was your last search request?, Have you ever received a fair amount of criticism? What for?, What search enjines and websites have got neat design? , What do you do at maths classes?, Who or what are you inspired by?, How do you usually respond to emails and text messages?, Where was the first headquarters of Google? And the second one?, What science is very complicated for you?, What was Newton's brainchild?, Who's got phenomenal success?, Can you play the piano by ear?, Would you like to wear outrageous costumes or wigs? Why or why not?, Who's got armful of awards?, Can you name a singer who's got chart-topping albums?, Do you follow your dream? What is it?, How would you like to earn a living?, Who spotted lady Gaga's talent?, How can a singer-songwriter develop her image?, Are her songs available on the net? How much are downloads?, How many followers would you like to have in social networking sites?, What does Gaga surprise her audience with?.

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