We've been doing some ____ this morning about friends and we've ____ five ____ facts about friends for you. 1 Animals have friends too! Yes, ____, we humans aren't the only ones who have friends. There's ____ that animals like chimpanzees, horses, elephants, dolphins and even bats can ____ friendships for ____. And they even make friends with animals that aren't from their ____ 2 We have more real friends ____ to social media! You may ____ this hard to believe, but since the ____ of the internet, and especially since social media came ____, we actually have more ____ friends than before. People always say we're so busy with all our online friends that we don't have time for our real friends, don't they? But in fact ____ ____. A doctor in Psychology at University has ____ some research that shows that the internet actually helps us to ____ friendships. And why is that? Because with social media it's easier to stay ____. In the past we used to ____ touch with friends because of distance or ____ of time. 3 ____ friends at work makes you more productive. You probably think that if you have lots of friends at work you ____ a lot of time ____ with them. ____ to ____ studies, it makes you more productive and more creative. Just one thing though - don't be friends with your boss! That might make your colleagues ____ you less, and they might think you got your job because of your ____. 4 Love can make you ____ two friends when you ____ in love. When a new person comes ____ your life, he or she, of course - ____ two other people in your ____ of friends. When you're in love, you ____ less time with your friends, and this means that friendships ____. And you know something, from my ____ that's true. 5 Friendship is good for your ____. It doesn't ____ if you're a man or a woman. People who have a lot of friends are less ____ and live longer. You are 50% more ____ to have a long life if you have a good ____ network.

Friendship New English File Intermediate


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