1) An argument that goes on for a very long time. a) fude b) feud c) fued 2) A musical instrument similar to a trumpet. a) bewgle b) bougle c) bugle 3) A thick soup with lots of vegetables. a) stew b) stoo c) stou 4) This is some sticky stuff. a) glew b) glue c) gleu 5) This can grow in damp places. a) mildoo b) mildou c) mildew 6) Santa has one of these. a) slay b) sleigh c) sley 7) Santa has eight of these. a) reindeer b) reinder c) raindeer 8) Use these to guide a horse you are riding. a) rains b) reighns c) reins 9) A person who is good at solving crimes may be called this. a) slooth b) sleuth c) slouth 10) People living near you are sometimes called this. a) neibors b) naybors c) neighbors 11) What a sleuth is looking for to solve a crime or mystery. a) clou b) clew c) clue 12) The moisture that forms on grass on cool mornings. a) deu b) dew c) doo 13) A sure-footed cross between a donkey and a horse. a) mule b) meul c) muel

Phase 4 Graphemes Spelling Practice


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