1) musician a) a person who makes music by singing or playing an instrument b) a programmatic theatrical work for dancers and orchestra c) high and low sounds d) the leader of a performing group of musicians 2) choir a) writing and making your own music b) the top musical line of a song c) the leader of a performing group of musicians d) a group of singers who sing together 3) singer a) a group of musicians who play instruments together to make music b) a sound pattern c) a person who makes music by singing or playing an instrument d) a musician who uses his or her voice to make musical sounds 4) melody a) the top musical line of a song b) an object which makes musical sounds when played c) the volume of the music d) a person who makes music by singing or playing an instrument 5) chorus a) the repeated section of a song b) the top musical line of a song c) a programmatic theatrical work for dancers and orchestra d) the speed of the music 6) instrument a)  a song to make a baby sleep b) an object which makes musical sounds when played c) a sound pattern d) the volume of the music 7) orchestra a) a group of musicians who play instruments together to make music b) a group of singers who sing together c) writing and making your own music d) the speed of the music 8) tempo a) a musician who uses his or her voice to make musical sounds b) the speed of the music c) the top musical line of a song d) a praise song, particularly a religious song 9) dynamics a) , fully-staged dramatic theatrical work with orchestraolo singers, chorus and b) the repeated section of a song c) writing and making your own music d) the volume of the music 10) rhythm a) a group of musicians who play instruments together to make music b) a programmatic theatrical work for dancers and orchestra c) public performance d) a sound pattern 11) composing a) writing and making your own music b) a group of musicians who play instruments together to make music c) a musician who uses his or her voice to make musical sounds d) a brief musical piece that includes words 12) pitch a) high and low sounds b) , fully-staged dramatic theatrical work with orchestraolo singers, chorus and c) the top musical line of a song d) a musician who is a true master of their own craft 13) hymn a) a praise song, particularly a religious song b) a group of musicians who play instruments together to make music c) the volume of the music d) a group of singers who sing together 14) virtuoso a) a musician who is a true master of their own craft b)  a song to make a baby sleep c) high and low sounds d) the leader of a performing group of musicians 15) song a) a praise song, particularly a religious song b) a musician who uses his or her voice to make musical sounds c) a brief musical piece that includes words d) high and low sounds 16) ballet a) writing and making your own music b) a praise song, particularly a religious song c) a musician who uses his or her voice to make musical sounds d) a programmatic theatrical work for dancers and orchestra 17) conductor a) the leader of a performing group of musicians b) the top musical line of a song c) a musician who is a true master of their own craft d) a programmatic theatrical work for dancers and orchestra 18) opera a) writing and making your own music b) a programmatic theatrical work for dancers and orchestra c) the volume of the music d) , fully-staged dramatic theatrical work with orchestraolo singers, chorus and 19) concert a) , fully-staged dramatic theatrical work with orchestraolo singers, chorus and b)  a song to make a baby sleep c) writing and making your own music d) public performance 20) lullaby a) a sound pattern b)  a song to make a baby sleep c) the speed of the music d) public performance


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