1) I love these pants because they _______ and they're so comfortable. a) fit like a glove b) shop around c) talk shop d) cozy 2) Even at a party they have to_____ a) shop around b) talk shop c) fit like a glove 3) There are a million-and-one reasons why people ______ a) talk shop b) fit like a glove c) shoplift d) shopping therapy 4) When I broke up with my boyfriend, I cheered myself up with lots of ______ a) pay b) fit like a glove c) shopping therapy 5) When you're buying a flight, you should always ______ for the best deal. a) fit b) shoplift c) pay one’s way d) shop around 6) Let me _________ this time, okay? a) pay my way b) shoplift c) shop around d) talk shop

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