1) Identify the noun of direct address: "Molly, Sam will pick you up from school." a) Molly b) Sam c) school 2) Identify the subject: "Molly, Sam will pick you up from school." a) Molly b) Sam c) school 3) Identify the noun of direct address: "Dad said to clean your room, Peter!" a) Dad b) room c) Peter 4) Identify the subject: "Dad said to clean your room, Peter!" a) Dad b) room c) Peter 5) Identify the subject: "I love you, Grandma." a) I b) Grandma c) you 6) Identify the noun of direct address: "I love you, Grandma." a) I b) Grandma c) you 7) Identify the noun of direct address: "You need to get off the computer, Ronny." a) Ronny b) You c) computer 8) Identify the subject: "You need to get off the computer, Ronny." a) Ronny b) You c) computer 9) Identify the subject: "Heath rode with Jack to the store, Seth." a) Heath b) Jack c) Seth 10) Identify the noun of direct address: "Heath rode with Jack to the store, Seth." a) Heath b) Jack c) Seth 11) Identify the noun of direct address: "Nana, the phone is broken." a) phone b) Nana 12) Identify the subject: "Nana, the phone is broken." a) phone b) Nana 13) Identify the subject(s): "Rose, Sally and Beth walked to the park." a) Sally b) Beth c) park d) Rose 14) Identify the noun of direct address: "Rose, Sally and Beth walked to the park." a) Sally b) Beth c) park d) Rose 15) Identify the subject: "After school work is done, Pat, you may ride your bike to the park." a) Pat b) you c) bike d) park e) school 16) Identify the noun of direct address: "After school work is done, Pat, you may ride your bike to the park." a) Pat b) you c) bike d) park e) school

Town Mouse and Country Mouse IEW Week 12 - Identify Noun of Direct Address and Subject of the Sentence Practice


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