Correct: I've broken my ruler., I've finished my ink cartridge., It's too bright., I've lost my scissors., It's too dark., I'm hot., I'm cold., I've forgotten my book., I've left my pencil case at home., I've let my copybook in my locker., Could you speak up?, I need a tissue., I haven't finished my exercise., I've lost my ink eraser., Could you step aside, please?, Could you switch on the light?, Could you close the blind?, What does it mean?, Could you play it again?, Incorrect: I can't see the board., I have forgotten my ink cartridge., Can I close the door?, I've lost my rubber., Could you step aside?, I've left my book in my locker., I haven't finished., Could you lend me a pen?, Can I go and get it?, I need more time., I don't know that word., I'm hungry., I've forgotten my exercise., I made a mistake., I can't hear a thing., Could you open the window?, Could you open the door?, I'm thirsty., Could you repeat?,


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