Please stay ____ Monday. I have not met him ____ Monday. He died ____ his country. The dog ran ____ the cat. Everybody ____ Ganpat was present in the meeting. He stood ____ the painting. You will succeed ____ you work hard. You will not succeed ____ you work hard. I waited ____ the train arrived. When I call you, you must come in ____. He is richer ____ I am. I am sorry ____ what I have done. I heard ____ he settled ____ London. We can travel ____ land ____ water. His grandfather died ____ he was born. I didn't come ____ you didn't call me. I will definitely come ____ you call me. Bread ____ jam is good for breakfast. He tried his best ____ did not succeed. Think ____ you act. We will stay here ____ you return. The city has changed a lot ____ our last visit. ____ he scolds me all the time, I respect him. He is ____ strong that no one can defeat him. ____ he was not there, I spoke to his brother. Answer the first question ____ you proceed to the second one. Tell them ____ I will come in ten minutes. He found his watch ____ he had left it. Save money ____ you are young. I don't understand ____ I made such a silly mistake.


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