1) What is the name of the capital city of Italy ? a) OMAR b) AROMA c) FIRENZE d) TORINO e) ROMA f) MILANO 2) How many regions are there in Italy ? a) 14 b) 16 c) 18 d) 20 e) 22 f) 24 3) What is RED in Italian ? a) Rosa b) Bianco c) Rosso d) Arancione e) Blu f) Verde 4) What is 10 in Italian ? a) DODICI b) UNDICI c) DIECI d) NOVE e) OTTO f) SETTE 5) Which of these cities are NOT in Italy ? a) Toledo b) Firenze c) Bari d) Genova e) Dublino f) Mosca 6) What is the word for WEEK in Italian ? a) Quattrana b) Cinquana c) Semana d) Settimana e) Ottana f) Novana 7) TRE + DUE + CINQUE - UNO - SETTE = ....... a) ZERO b) UNO c) DUE d) TRE e) QUATTRO f) CINQUE 8) Merry Christmas in Italian : a) Buon Anno b) Buon Compleanno c) Buon Natale d) Buondì e) Buona domenica f) Buona giornata. 9) Which of the following celestial bodies are NOT linked to the days of the week in Italian ? a) Luna b) Mercurio c) Giove d) Venere e) Urano f) Saturno 10) " I like cats" in Italian : a) Mi piacciono i cani. b) Non mi piacciono i cani. c) Mi piace l'arte. d) Mi piace la musica. e) Mi piacciono i gatti. f) Mi piacciono le lucertole. 11) Which of the following are NOT in Italy ? a) Pantheon b) Parthenon c) David di Michelangelo d) Arco del Trionfo e) Vesuvio f) Lago di Garda 12) What is the word for HAPPY in Italian ? a) Triste b) Felice c) Annoiato d) Preoccupato e) Imbarazzato f) Spaventato. 13) Which of the following colors are NOT in the Italian flag ? a) Rosso b) Blu c) Verde d) Arancione e) Bianco f) Viola 14) What is this shape of pasta called ? a) Penne b) Farfalle c) Fusilli d) Spaghetti e) Linguine f) Tagliatelle 15) What is the Italian word for "chicken" ? a) Mollo b) Bollo c) Pollo d) Collo e) Rollo f) Lollo 16) When was Italy unified ? a) 1861 b) 1961 c) 2001 d) 1061 e) 161 f) 1761 17) Which of the following pizzas do NOT exist ? a) Margherita b) Violetta c) Capricciosa d) Quattro Stagioni e) Napoletana f) Domina 18) Which month comes after FEBBRAIO and before APRILE ? a) Gennaio b) Giugno c) Agosto d) Maggio e) Marzo f) Dicembre 19) When can I say BUONGIORNO ? a) before 8:00AM b) before 10:00AM c) before12:00AM d) before 1:00PM e) before 4:00PM f) before 8:00PM 20) If you order LATTE in Italy, what will you get ? a) b) c) d) e) f) 21) If you order a PEPERONI PIZZA what will you get ? a) b) c) d) 22) If today is GIOVEDÌ, what day will be tomorrow ? a) Lunedì b) Martedì c) Sabato d) Domenica e) Jueves f) Venerdì 23) Which of the following words do not come from Italian ? a) Ping pong b) Broccoli c) Fiasco d) Finale e) Solo f) Ramen 24) What is the Italian word for FOOTBALL ? a) Callo b) Cacco c) Calco d) Calcio e) Cavallo f) Cammello 25) What is the meaning of "Come stai oggi" ? a) What is your name ? b) What time is it now ? c) Is your car blue ? d) How are you today ? e) How do you want your toast ? f) Is the heating on ?

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