1) When I phoned my friends, they (play) .... monopoly. a) played b) were playing c) play d) are playing e) plays f) will play 2) Yesterday at six I (prepare) ... dinner a) prepared b) prepare c) am preparing d) was preparing e) will prepare f) prepares 3) The kids were playing in the garden when it suddenly ..... to rain. a) begins b) begin c) began d) has begun e) was beginning f) is beginning 4) We ............................. all day. a) didn't cycle b) don't cycle c) aren't cycling d) weren't cycling e) will not be cycling f) wasn't cycling 5) While Aaron (work) ...... in his room, his friends (swim) ..... in the pool. a) was working, swam b) worked, were swimming c) worked, swam d) was working, were swimming e) were working, was swimming f) was working, was swimming 6) I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not) ....... a) didn't listen b) don't listen c) weren't listening d) aren't listening e) am not listening f) wasn't listening 7) Most of the time we (sit) ..... in the park. a) sat b) were sitting c) was sitting d) will sit e) are sitting f) is sitting



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