1) A satellite that is orbiting the Earth at nearly 20,000 miles/hour a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 2) A girl is swinging and she is at her highest point of the swing a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 3) A cliff diver is just about to jump off an 18 m high cliff a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 4) A basketball sits on the rim before falling into the hoop a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 5) A sky diver is traveling at his fastest speed when falling a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 6) An arrow is released from a bow and travels toward the target a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 7) A grasshopper reaches the highest point in its jump from one plant to another a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 8) A slingshot that has been pulled back, but has not been let go a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 9) A bird resting on the branch of a tree. a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy 10) A bobsled is moving at its greatest speed arounf the final turn a) Potential Energy b) Kinetic Energy

Potential or Kinetic Energy?


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