Fraction - Fractions name a part of a whole, numerator - number of equal parts described or shaded, denominator - number of equal parts in ONE whole, unit fraction - one piece of the whole, they ALWAYS have a numerator of 1., one whole - The numerator and denominator are the same in fractions equal to one whole, improper fraction - has larger numerator than the denominator, mixed number - has a a whole number and a fraction, equivalent fraction - same part of one whole, but are cut into different size pieces, benchmark fraction - used to estimate with fractions, decompose  - break apart a fraction into pieces that have the same total as the original fraction, simplify fractions - group the pieces and make the fewest groups possible, decimal - are after the decimal point and are a part of one whole, tenth - this is one part when you divide a whole into 10 equal parts, hundredth - this is one part when you divide a while into 100 equal parts,


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