Introducing a talk: What I'd like to do in this presentation is ..., First, I'll give you a brief overview of ..., Then I'll talk about ..., After that I'd like to show you..., Introducing an idea, product or service: We call this new system ..., Basically ... is ..., It is already being used in ..., Well, it's a pretty simple concept., Explaining the benefits: There are two main benefits of using ..., The biggest potential benefit of ... is ..., This means that..., The other major advantage of ... is ..., And here is another great thing about ..., Comparing products or systems: ... in comparison to your current system where ..., However, with ... it will / won't be able to ..., Whereas you can ... / can't ..., Checking and moving on: Does that sound OK?, OK, let's look at what ... has to offer., Now I'd like to move on to ...,



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