Did you know that 80% of children check their phones every five minutes?, How often do you find yourself checking your phone in a day?, Have you ever experienced a feeling of panic or anxiety when you couldn't find your phone?, How would you react if you lost your phone for a day?, Can you relate to the concept of "nomophobia" or the fear of being without your phone?, How would you distinguish between normal phone use and addiction?, What role does social media play in the speaker's explanation of cell phone addiction?, How do you feel when you receive likes or comments on your social media posts?, Have you ever experienced or witnessed "phubbing" in social situations?, How has the use of phones affected face-to-face communication in your opinion?, Have you noticed changes in how families communicate due to technology?, What is your opinion on using phones during meals or dates?, Do you sleep with your phone next to you, and do you use it as an alarm clock?, How does having your phone next to you at night affect your sleep?, Have you ever experienced or witnessed distracted driving due to phone use?, What are your thoughts on the speaker's suggestion to connect more with each other?, How do you currently balance your screen time with real-life interactions?.

Lead-in Phone addiction


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