1) __________ the challenges, the student got an excellent result. a) Despite b) Although c) Even though d) However 2) The internet has revolutionized communication; ____________, some people still prefer traditional methods like letter writing. a) even though b) however c) despite d) although 3) She decided to pursue her passion for painting, ____________ her parents wanted her to study business. a) nevertheless b) in spite of c) despite d) even though 4) ____________ being exhausted, she continued working on her research paper late into the night. a) Although b) Despite c) However d) Nevertheless 5) The experiment didn't go as planned; ____________, valuable data was collected. a) nevertheless b) despite the fact that c) although d) despite 6) ____________ the doctor's advice, she decided to try alternative medicine to manage her condition. a) Nevertheless b) In spite of c) Although d) Despite the fact that 7) __________ the price of the product increased, the demand for it remained high. a) Despite the fact that b) However c) Despite d) Nevertheless 8) Self-development is essential. __________, one should find some entertainment opportunities as well. a) Although b) Despite c) Even though d) However

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