I'm very big and grey and I have big ears and a trunk. I live in the jungle., I'm very tall and I run very fast. I have two legs and two wings but I can't fly., I'm very big and grey. I have no legs and arms, but I have fins. I live in the ocean. I'm not dangerous., I live under a shell. I have four legs and I move very slowly. I eat little fish and frogs. , I'm big, grey and blue. I have big, sharp teeth. I eat fish and I live in the ocean, I'm beige and not very big. I can jump very high. I live in the grassland/desert. , I'm very small, black or brown. I eat fruit and little insects. People are scared of me. I fly - usually at night!, I'm black and not very big, and I run very fast. I eat small animals and I sleep a lot during the day. (J), I'm big, black and white and I'm quite fat.  I eat bamboo leaves and I sleep 10 hours a day., I'm very long, with 4 short legs I have big jaws with sharp teeth. I live in the river. I'm very dangerous., I'm not very big, but I'm strong. I have a big head, long ears and a tail. I carry people or provisions on my back. , I have a big, sharp beak and two strong claws. I can fly very high. I eat small animals..


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