1) Jhonny Deep is an ....... actor. a) amazing b) amaze c) amazed 2) I find animated films.............. a) amuse b) amusing c) amused 3) I'm not ............... in science fiction movies. a) interest b) interesting c) interested 4) I'm ................by watching television. a) bored b) bore c) boring 5) I thought Jurassic Park was an..............movie. a) excite b) excited c) exciting 6) I'm .................by J.R.R. Talkien's novels. a) fascinate b) fascinated c) fascinating 7) John was ............by the news report. a) disgust b) disgusted c) disgusting 8) The news report was so..................... a) disgust b) disgusted c) disgusting 9) The instructions were........................ a) confused b) confusing c) confuse 10) Do you feel.................about it? a) worry b) worrying c) worried

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