1) What was it known as when Blacks left the South for a better life 1910-1970? a) Northern Escape b) Great Escape c) Great Migration 2) Between 1910-1970 how many blacks are estimated to have left the South? a) 130,000 b) 13 million c) 2 million d) 6 Million 3) Which of the following is NOT a Push reason for leaving the south a) Black wages as Sharecroppers very low b) Fear of Lynching c) Jim Crow Segregation poor facilities hospitals and Schools d) Black experience was part of Southern Culture -cooking /music e) loopholes like Grandfather clause prevented black voting 4) Which of the following is not a Pull reason to the North a) Wages higher $3 a day compared to cents a day in south b) No restrictions against black voting c) No legal segregation of schools/hospitals/transport d) Overcrowding in Areas like Harlem New York 5) Pick the correct two Race riots & dates a) 1901 Harlem Race Riot & 1905 Washington DC race riot b) 1919 Chicago Race Riot & Tulsa Oklahoma 1921 6) Date and name individual that brought black the KKK a) 1910 Nathan Bedford Forrest  b) 1912 Hiram Revels  c) 1915 William Simmons  d) 1919 Hiram Evans  7) Name the 1915 film & how the KKK were portrayed a) White Klan Order - portrayed KKK racist white Supremacists b) Birth of a Nation - portrayed KKK as heroes protecting women c) The secret Hooded Order - Portrayed the KKK as professional racists 8) What was the New Klan's catch phrase ? a) All non whites should leave USA b) 100% Unity for All Americans c) 100% Americanism 9) name the President that endorsed the film on the Klan ? a) Woodrow Wilson b) Teddy Roosevelt c) William Taft 10) How many members did the Klan achieve by 1924 a) 1 million b) 500,000 c) 4-5 million d) 10 million

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