CANADA: Ottawa, 35 million, English + French, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, 10 provinces, 3 territories, two million lakes, Mt Logan 5959, lacrosse, AUSTRALIA: Canberra, 20 million, Down Under, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, 6 states, 2 territories, rivers: Murray, Darling, Mount Kosciuszko 2228, Uluru, NEW ZEALAND: Wellington, 4 million, English and Maori, 2 islands, Tampo lake, the Souther Alps - Mt Cook, Kiwi bird, rugby, UNITED KINGDOM: London, 62 million, Pound , Oxford, Cambridge, Liverpool, Severn, Avon, Thames, Ben Nevis, Stonehenge, Union Jack, USA: Washington,D. C., more than 300 mil, NY city, Los Angeles, Chicago, 50 states + DC, Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado, Mount Mc. Kinley, Golden Gate Bridge, Bald Eagle,

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