1) I ____ with my sister and our cat. 2) They ____ who study at the local school. 3) She likes ____ TV after a long day at work. 4) Every morning, he ____ while eating breakfast. 5) He ____ a newspaper every Sunday in the garden. 6) On Fridays, we eat ____ for dinner as a treat. 7) She ____ coffee every morning before leaving for work. 8) My friend ____ fluently because she lived in London. 9) They ____, so they have three of them at home. 10) Mum ____ every evening for the whole family. 11) She ____ in the park to relax and stay healthy. 12) We ____ every Saturday to watch a new movie. 13) Sarah used to ____, but she quit last year. 14) Alex is ____ Economics at university to get a degree. 15) He ____ to help him see better in class. 16) I ____ from Monday to Friday as a secretary.

NEF elem 2A


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