patria potestas - The power held by the male head of a Roman family over his descendants, including life and death authority, including the power to punish, sell into slavery, or even execute family members for serious offenses., nutrix - A nurse or a nanny in Ancient Rome, often a slave or a freedwoman, who took care of children, especially in wealthy families., mater - played a crucial role in the early education and moral upbringing of her children, pedagogus - a slave or a freedman responsible for overseeing a child's daily activities, manners, and moral education, ludus litterarius - A primary school in Ancient Rome where children learned reading, writing, and arithmetic, Contubernium - denote the living and learning arrangement for children under the tutelage of a pedagogue or tutor , Magister Ludi - The primary teacher or schoolmaster, Grammaticus - teacher of grammar and literature in Ancient Rome, rethor - Specialized teachers of rhetoric in Ancient Rome,, orator - skilled public speaker, bulla - locket-like amulet worn by freeborn Roman children, toga praetexta - A white toga with a purple border, worn by freeborn boys until they reached adulthood, Toga Virilis - toga of manhood, dies lustricus - the day, usually the eighth day after birth for girls and the ninth day for boys, when a Roman child was given their name in a family ceremony,



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