I'm thinking ___ (doing what?) … next year. - think of doing something, Sometimes, I worry ___ ... - worry about something or someone, I belong ___ ... - belong to something, The last person I argued ___was … - argue with someone about something, I once applied ___ … but I got turned down. - apply for something, I don't believe ___ (eg ghosts) - not believe in something = not believe something exists, I like to listen ___... - listen to something, The last thing I paid ___ was... - pay (someone) for something, If I had a lot of money, I would invest __… - invest in something, I can always rely __ (who) - rely on someone to do something, I often complain ___ … - complain (to someone) about something, I have to spend time caring ___ … (dependants) - care for dependants, a garden = look after, An issue I really care __ is … - care about something = be concerned , I sometimes find it hard to concentrate __ … when … - concentrate on something, The last time I apologised ___ (someone) ___ something was when …. - apologise to someone about something , I feel I have to spend too much money ___ …. - spend money on something (but spend money/time doing something), I prefer (one option) ___ (another option) - I prefer one option to another option, A food that reminds me __ home is … - Something reminds someone of home – BUT - remind someone about an appointment or to do something – tell them to do it in case they forget,

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