affable - (adjective): pleasant and easy to talk to, detract from - (phrasal verb): distract from; to make something seem less valuable or less deserving of admiration than it really is, authenticity - (noun): quality of being real or true, ubiquitous - (adjective): present or found everywhere, stiff - (adjective): not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid., rev up (someone/something) - (phrasal verb): to become more active, or to make someone or something become more active, step up your game - (idiom): to start to do something better, especially in sports, in a way that is easy to see, dry run - (noun): an occasion when you practise a particular activity or performance, nooks and crannies - (idiom): small spaces in something or parts of something that are difficult to reach, home run - (noun): a complete and impressive success in an activity; To achieve the best possible result , exaggerate - (verb): represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is., deemphasize - (verb): reduce the importance or prominence given to (something),

ESL Brains - How to nail that presentation (Vocabulary Matching)


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