1) ........... an apple a) This is b) That is 2) ........... a pen a) This is b) That is 3) This is ......... book a) a b) an 4) ........... an apple a) This is b) That is 5) It's ........... eraser. a) a b) an 6) It's ........... duck a) a b) an 7) It's ......... orange a) a b) an 8) It's ......... umbrella a) a b) an 9) This is a ............ ballon a) yellow b) white c) red d) blue e) black f) pink 10) This is a ............ ballon a) yellow b) white c) red d) blue e) black f) pink 11) This is a ............ ballon a) yellow b) white c) red d) blue e) black f) pink 12) ..........it black ? a) Is b) Am c) Are 13) .............. they green balloons ? a) Is it b) Am c) Are 14) .........ish a) A b) H c) F d) C e) B f) J 15) .........oat a) A b) H c) F d) C e) G f) J 16) .........at a) A b) H c) F d) C e) G f) J 17) .........ear a) A b) H c) F d) B e) G f) J 18) .........ow a) C b) H c) F d) B e) G f) J 19) How old are you ? a) I am 10 years old b) She is 10 years old 20) How old is she ? a) I am 10 years old. b) She is 10 years old. 21) How old are you ? a) We are 10 years old. b) She is 10 years old.

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