A vegetarian can be defined as someone who does not eat meat, fish, or other animal products, such as eggs or cheese; ____, he or she eats vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds. ____ this diet consists of non-meat food sources, a vegetarian typically consumes less fat and cholesterol than an individual who consumes meat. ____, raising animals for food uses valuable land, water, and energy. ____, adopting a vegetarian diet helps conserve the valuable resources that our future depends on. - From opentext.bc Animals use various means to protect themselves. Color is one that is widely used as a protective device. ____, some birds display brightly colored feathers when they are threatened. These are designed to frighten away the enemy. ____ to color, some animals emit a peculiar smell for the same purpose. Form may ____ be used to conceal the animal. Some insects, ____, conceal themselves by making themselves resemble plants of flowers. In this way, they are hardly visible because they can merge into their surroundings. Other animals adopt regular patterns of behavior when they are frightened. Some pretend to be dead ____ others just come forward and stand still. This has led to buffaloes being almost eliminated in the 19th century as a result their lack of resistance to hunters.

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