Which letters AFTER C make it say S? Give an example word. - e, i, y - celery, icicle, fancy, What does a Magic E do? Give an example word. - Makes the vowel (one letter-hop away) say its name -time, What do oa and ow have in common? Like in ....? - Like in ......coat and snow; goalie and follow, What is a FLOSSY word? Give two examples. - cuff, hill, boss, fuzzy, what do the words right and straight have in common? - The gh is silent., What three sounds can the letter Y make? Give examples. - Yuh - yellow; Long E -Tommy; Long I -fly, What is the Sticky i suffix? Give an example word. - When an i in the suffixes - tion, -sion and -cian STICKS to the letter before and says 'sh'. Like in ...nation, musician, division, Why is there a ck in chick but not in cheek? - Because the -ck keeps the vowel sound short. If a word does not have a short vowel it just ends in k., When is Y a consonant? Give an example - Only at the start of a word - yak, yellow, Yolanda, yoghurt, What do the words stray, eight and trail have in common? - the letters ay, ei and ai all make a LONG A sound., How do you know when a g should be pronounced like a j? Give an example - When it has an e, i or y immediately after....general, raging, gym, When is the suffix -cian used? Give an example. - Just for 'people' words - magician, physician, optician, What do the words real, feeling and monkey have in common? - They all contain a LONG E sound - but made differently ea, ee, ey, What do we usually add to a verb to show something is in the past tense? Give an example. - -ed - happened, waited, helped, What happens if a w is followed by a in a word? Give an exapmle. - The a sounds like o - was, wash, wallet, What sounds can the vowels a, e, i, o, u make? Give some example words. - an egg is on us , When do we have to double the consonant when adding ing to a word? - When we need ot keep a vowel short and block the i in ing from making it long - batting, rubbing, hopping, Why is there a d in badge but not in cage? - Because the d shows that the vowel in front is SHORT. Otherwise the e would work like a Magic E.,

Spelling Rules - do you know why?


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