"Remember how I always used to complain about feeling restless and bored, especially on weekends?" Alex began, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Well, that all changed because I found something completely unexpected that caught my interest." "It all started ____ a random visit to a local flea market three months ago," he continued. "I was just wandering around, not looking for anything in particular, when I stumbled upon this small stall tucked away in a corner. ____ it was away from the main path, it wasn't crowded, and something about the collection of old mechanical watches on display drew me in." "____, what really got me into this new hobby wasn't just the watches themselves. ____ my initial curiosity, I knew nothing about them. ____ their obvious beauty and craftsmanship, I was clueless. ____ just admiring them and moving on, I decided to chat with the stall owner, an elderly man who had been collecting and repairing these watches for decades." "____ his passion and willingness to share his knowledge, I found myself visiting the flea market every weekend, eager to learn more. ____ I spent more time with him, my interest in mechanical watches grew. ____ before I had never cared for or understood the value of timepieces, I now found myself fascinated by the intricate mechanics and history behind each piece." "____, starting a new hobby wasn't easy. ____ my enthusiasm, understanding the complex mechanisms and the delicate work of repairing them was daunting at first. ____ I made several mistakes and occasionally felt like giving up, the satisfaction of bringing an old watch back to life was incredibly rewarding." "____ this hobby, not only have I gained a new skill, but I've also developed a deep appreciation for the artistry and engineering of mechanical watches. It's funny how a chance encounter at a flea market turned into a passion that has enriched my life in ways I couldn't have imagined."

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