1) What's the weather ____? a) like b) is c) are 2) What's the weather like? a) cold b) snowy c) sunny 3) What's the ________ like? a) wether b) wather c) weather 4) What's the weather like? a) windy b) rainy c) sunny 5) ______ the weather like? a) What b) What's c) When 6) What's the weather like? a) windy b) cloudy c) hot 7) What's ___ weather like? a) a b) is c) the 8) What's the weather like? a) rainy b) cloudy c) snowy 9) What's the weather like? a) snowy b) windy c) cloudy 10) What's the weather like? a) snowy b) windy c) cold 11) What's the weather like? a) snowy b) foggy c) cloudy 12) What's the weather like? a) sunny b) hot c) cloudy 13) What's the weather like? a) sunny b) foggy c) stormy


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