1) It is an eating disorder marked by eating non-food items such as dirt or paper. a) Diarrhea b) PICA c) Lactose Intolerance d) Constipation 2) A condition when the acid in the stomach enters the esophagus. a) Dyspepsia b) Gastritis c) Colitis d) GERD 3) Which of the following is a disease of the digestive system? a) Dermatitis b) Pancreatitis c) Anemia d) Bronchitis 4) Maria is observed to have pain in the abdomen. The wall of her stomach was seen to have wounds. What is the disease of Maria? a) Gastric Ulcer b) Duodenal Ulcer c) Tonsilitis d) Appendicitis 5) A four-year-old child has a painful abdomen, is restless, and has difficulty eliminating feces. How could his condition be alleviated? Choose from the following key: 1. Drink plenty of water 2. Take medication to soften feces 3. Have a high fiber diet 4. Take medication to neutralize acids. a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 1, 2, and 3 d) 2, 3, and 4

Diseases of the Digestive System


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