1) What place is this? a) Statue of Liberty b) Amazon Forest c) Big Ben 2) What place is this? a) Angel Falls b) Great Wall of China c) Stonehenge 3) What place is this? a) Tower of London b) Eiffel Tower c) Big Ben 4) What place is this? a) Macchu Pichu b) Chichen Itza c) Colosseum 5) What place is this? a) Big Ben b) Christ the Redeemer c) Grand Canyon 6) What place is this? a) Iguazu Falls b) Parthenon c) Colosseum 7) What place is this? a) Eiffel Tower b) Colosseum c) Mount Rushmore 8) What place is this? a) Angel Falls b) Grand Canyon c) Great Wall of China 9) What place is this? a) Iguazu Falls b) Amazon Forest c) Great Wall of China 10) What place is this? a) Iguazu Falls b) Mount Rushmore c) Stonehenge 11) What place is this? a) Eiffel Tower b) Leaning Tower of Pisa c) Big Ben 12) What place is this? a) Louvre Museum b) St. Basil's Cathedral c) Opera House 13) What place is this? a) Mount Everest b) Machu Picchu c) Chichen Itzá 14) What place is this? a) Mount Rushmore b) Yellowstone National Park c) Stonehenge 15) What place is this? a) Opera House b) Parthenon c) Colosseum 16) What place is this? a) Taj Mahal b) Big Ben c) Sphinx 17) What place is this? a) St. Basil's Cathedral b) Parthenon c) Taj Mahal 18) What place is this? a) Statue of Liberty b) Eiffel Tower c) Wailing Wall 19) What place is this? a) Parthenon b) Colosseum c) Stonehenge 20) What place is this? a) St. Basil's Cathedral b) Tower of London c) Wailing Wall 21) What place is this? a) Amazon River b) Suez Canal c) Iguazu Falls 22) What place is this? a) Tower of London b) Taj Mahal c) Stonehenge 23) What place is this? a) Tower of London b) Big Ben c) Louvre Museum 24) What place is this? a) Victoria Falls b) Iguazu Falls c) Yellowstone National Park 25) What place is this? a) Wailing Wall b) Stonehenge c) Taj Mahal 26) What place is this? a) Amazon River b) Victoria Falls c) Yellowstone National Park



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