Father of Surgery - Sushruta, Goals of Life - Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha, Oldest Veda - Rig Veda, Ayurveda is an Upa Veda of: - Atharva Veda, Kaya Chikitsa - General Medicine, Body, Agni, Bala Chikitsa - Pediatrics, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Graha Chikitsa - Psychiatry, Urdhvanga Chikitsa - Ears, Nose, Throat; Above the Clavicle, Shalya Chikitsa - Surgery, Damstra Chikitsa - Toxicology; Detoxification, Jara Chikitsa - Rejuvenation Therapy, Vrishya Chikitsa - Vajikarana; Aphrodisiac, Potency, "What is Heard" - Shruti, "What is Remembered" - Smriti,

PH 500 Lesson 1.3 The History of Ayurveda & The Eight Limbs of Ayurveda


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