1) What is a phrase in English grammar? a) A group of words that function together as a unit and have a subject and verb combination. b) A group of words that function together as a unit but do not have a subject and verb combination. c) A complete sentence with a subject and verb. d) A single word that expresses a complete idea. 2) Which of the following is an example of a noun phrase? a) Running quickly b) The big, black dog c) After work d) Beautifully 3) What is the main function of a prepositional phrase? a) To act as a verb in a sentence. b) To describe a noun or pronoun. c) To describe location, time, or direction. d) To act as an adverb in a sentence. 4) In the sentence "She sings beautifully," which type of phrase is "beautifully"? a) Noun Phrase b) Verb Phrase c) Adverbial Phrase d) It's a word rather than a phrase 5) Which of the following is NOT a common phrase word? a) And b) of c) In d) Because  6) Participial phrases include which of the following verb forms? a) Base form b) Past simple form c) -ing or -ed form d) Future form 7) In the sentence "The delicious, homemade pizza," which type of phrase is used? a) Noun Phrase b) Verb Phrase c) Adjectival Phrase d) Adverbial Phrase 8) Which of the following sentences contains a prepositional phrase? a) She runs quickly in the morning. b) The red car is fast. c) I am studying for my exam. d) The cat on the roof is hungry. 9) What is the primary function of an adjectival phrase? a) To describe a verb, adjective, or adverb. b) To describe a noun or pronoun. c) To act as a noun in a sentence. d) To indicate location, time, or direction. 10) Which of the following is NOT a type of phrase in English grammar? a) Interrogative Phrase b) Noun Phrase c) Verb Phrase d) Prepositional Phrase


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