1) What do you want for lunch? a) I want two hambergers. b) I want a hot dog and an apple. c) I want a hamburger and a hot dog. 2) What do you want for lunch? a) I want some ice cream, please.  b) I want some milk, please. c) I want some juice, please. 3) What do you want for lunch, Bob? a) I want an apple. b) I want three hot dogs. c) I want two hamburgers. 4) What do you want for lunch? a) I want a hot dog and some water. b) I want two hot dogs and some juice. c) I want two hamburgers and some water. 5) What do you want for lunch? a) I want some juice and water. b) I want some juice and milk. c) I want some water and milk. 6) What do you want for lunch? a) I want two hambergers and some ice cream. b) I want some milk and ice cream. c) I want two hot dogs and some milk. 7) What do you want for lunch? a) Some milk, please. b) Some juice and milk, please. c) Some water and juice, please.

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