1) I ................................ (sell) my old computer at the sale. a) have sold b) has sold c) have selled d) has selled 2) The children ................................. all the way back home. a) have ran b) has run c) have run d) have runned 3) Mum isn't at home. She .................................. to the doctor. a) 've gone b) 's went c) 've go d) 's gone 4) Have you ............................... the present to Mary yet? a) gave b) given c) gived d) gaved 5) We .............................. (already play) this game many times. a) 've already played b) 'v already played c) 've already playd d) 've already plaied 6) .................................. (you / find) any information about Australian mammals on this website? a) Have you finded b) Have you find c) Have you found d) Has you found 7) I have ........................................ to the shops. a) walkd b) walked c) waked d) walken 8) Has Mr. Talbot taken part in the marathon lately? a) Yes, he have. b) No, he haven't. c) No, she hasn't. d) No, he hasn't. 9) Hi Tom! ............................(you/see) my new video on YouTube? a) Have you seen b) Has you seen c) Have you sawed d) Have you see 10) He's .............................................. (just write) to his grandma. a) just write b) just written c) just wrote d) just writted 11) I've never ................. so much for a pair of socks before! a) payd b) paied c) pay d) paid 12) What is the past participle form of ''break''? a) breaked b) broken c) broke d) breaken 13) We ...................................... great news about Aunt Maggie's recovery. a) 's heard b) 've heared c) 've heart d) 've heard 14) Have you installed that new app, yet? a) Yes, I has. b) No, I haven't. c) Yes, you haven't. d) No, you have.


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