1) I am a red blood cell. What is my main job? a) To carry oxygen around the body. b) To defend against disease. c) To carry water around the body. d) To carry sugar around the body. 2) What cell am I? a) a cilliated cell b) a white blood cell c) a sperm cell d) an egg cell 3) I am a sperm cell - what is my job? a) To defend against disease b) To carry oxygen c) Reproduction d) Sending signals 4) What sort of cell am I? a) a cilliated epithelial cell b) an egg cell c) a root hair cell d) a plant palisade cell 5) What sort of cell am I? a) a muscle cell b) root hair cell c) nerve cell d) a palisade cell 6) Which cell carries signals around the body? a) sperm cell b) red blood cell c) white blood cell d) nerve cell 7) What cell is fertilised by the sperm? a) white blood cell b) epithelial cell c) red blood cell d) none of the above 8) A red blood cell is specially adapted for its job... how? a) It has no cell membrane b) It has a large surface area and no nucleus c) It has no nucleus and no cell membrane d) It is much larger than other cells 9) What cell am I, and what is my job? a) Root hair cell. Sends signals. b) Root hair cell. Absorbs water and nutrients. c) Cilliated epithelial cell. Moves mucous. d) Palisade cell. Photosynthesis. 10) What does MRS GREN help us to remember? a) Movement. Reproduction. Sugar. Growth. Reflection. Excretion. Nutrition. b) Movement. Reproduction. Synthesis. Growth. Respiration. Excretion. Nutrition. c) Movement. Reproduction. Sensitivity. Growth. Respiration. Excretion. Nutrition. d) Malteasers. Rainbow drops. Skittles. Gum. Reeces Pieces.Easter eggs. Nutrition.

Specialised Cells Quiz


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