(wake) up early every day?  - Do you usually wake up early every day? Are you used to waking up early every day?, (hate) a particular food when you were a child? - Did you use to hate a particular food when you were a child? , (have) a favourite toy?  - Did you use to have a favourite toy? , (live) without electricity?  - Could you get used to living without electricity? , (be) well-behaved in primary school?  - Did you use to be well-behaved in primary school? , (live) without bank cards?  - Could you get used to living without bank cards? , (fight) with your brothers or sisters when you were little?  - Did you use to fight with your brothers or sisters when you were little? , (speak) English every day?  - Are you used to / Have you got used to speaking English every day? , (drive) on the left? - Are you used to / Have you got used to driving on the left?, (eat) NZ foods, like fish and chips? - Are you used to / Have you got used to eating NZ foods?, (prefer) playing inside or outside when you were a child?  - Did you use to prefer playing inside or outside when you were a child? , (do) housework chores when you were a child?  - Did you use to do housework chores when you were a child? , (manage) without your mobile phone?  - Could you get used to managing without your mobile phone? , (keep) a diary when you were younger?  - Did you use to keep a diary when you were younger? , (go) out at the weekend?  - Do you usually go out at the weekend? , (celebrate) your birthday?  - How do you usually celebrate your birthday? , (have) a pet when you were a child?  - Did you use to have a pet when you were a child? , (not have) Internet access? - Could you get used to not having Internet access?, (live) so far away from old friends? - Are you used to / Have you got used to living so far away from old friends?, (have) tea or coffee in the morning? - Do you usually have tea or coffee in the morning?, (go) for a walk every day? - Do you usually go for a walk every day?,

Speaking: make questions with usually, used to, be or get used to.


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