selfish - they think about themselves and not about other people, spoilt - children who are rude and behave badly because they have everything they want, mature - people who behave like adults, honest - they never steal or cheat and always tell the truth, sensible - they have common sense and are practical, sociable - people who are friendly and enjoy being with other people, anxious - they are often worried or stressed, imaginative - people who have a good imagination, independent - people who like doing things on their own, without any help, bossy - people who like telling other what to do, sensitive - they can be easily hurt or offended, stubborn - they never change their opinion or attitude about something, patient - they can wait for a long time without getting angry, ambitious - they want to be successful in life, reliable - you can trust them or depend on them, confident - they are sure of themselves and their abilities, moody - they have moods that change quickly and often, competitive - they always want to win, affectionate - they show that they really love or like other people, charming - they have an attractive personality and people like them easily,


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