1) I'm tired. I didn't get ________ sleep last night. a) few b) much c) many 2) I've made _____ notes, but I haven't written my essay yet.  a) a lot of  b) much c) many 3) This coffee is bitter. It needs ______ more sugar. a) a few b) a little c) little  4) Tony doesn't like to spend ______ time in front of TV. a) much b) a lot of c) many 5) My mother always adds ______ lemon juice into the salad. a) a little b) a few c) a lot of 6) I have had _______ success in my search for a job. a) a few b) very few c) very little 7) I have ______ work to do before I can leave. a) little b) a little c) a few 8) Young people have got _____ opportunities to get higher education. a) a lot of b) many c) much 9) There was _____ juice in the bottle. It was nearly empty. a) much  b) many c) little d) few 10) My sister ate so _____ ice-cream that she is ill now. a) much b) many c) little d) few 11) They didn't spend _____ money for food. a) a lot of b) much c) many 12) There are _____ guests at this party! It is so noisy here! a) little b) a few c) lots of d) much


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