1) Can you thread the igłę for me? 2) Where was this wyprodukowane? 3) Where can I find the nearest pasmanterią? 4) How is this uszyte? 5) How is this wykończone? 6) How is this zapięte? 7) How is this ozdobione? 8) The pockets are nitowane. 9) Cut off the metkę. 10) Pass me the nożyczki. 11) Bring me the zestaw do szycia. 12) Sew on the guzik. 13) The nici are finished. 14) The suwak broke. 15) The szew has come undone. 16) I'm looking for the żelazka. 17) I'm sewing ręcznie. 18) I'm sewing with green nitką. 19) This belt is ćwiekowany. 20) This top is szydełkowany. 21) This is haftowane. 22) This is trimmed with koralikami. 23) This is decorated with cekinami. 24) This is made ręcznie. 25) This is finished with frędzelkami. 26) This is made in Chinach. 27) This fastens with rzep. 28) This is zrobione on needles. 29) This is set with kamieniami. 30) This is made of bawełny. 31) What is this zrobione of? 32) Will you zacerujesz my socks? 33) Tie a kokardę. 34) Tie a supeł in the thread. 35) I lost my centymetr krawiecki. 36) Rip the szew on the sleeve. 37) Put on the naparstek. 38) This coat is pikowany. 39) This is woven in Szkocji. 40) This is dyed niebiesko. 41) This is ozdobione.


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