coherent sources - sources with constant phase difference, diffraction - the spreading of waves into a geometric shadow when the waves go through an aperture or around an obstacle which size is comparable to the wavelength, interference - when two waves meet, the resultant displacement is the vector sum of the individual displacement of each wave, principle of superposition - when two waves meet, the resultant displacement is the vector sum of the individual displacement of each wave, Doppler effect - there is a change in the observed frequency when there is a relative motion between the source and the observer, stationary waves - A wave which energy is not transferred along the travel of wave but it is confined between two adjacent nodes, how to form a standing wave - two progressive waves of the same freq, speed & amplitude, travelling in opposite direction, meet., A node - A point which amplitude of VIBRATION is zero, An antinode - A point which amplitude of VIBRATION is max, Define Pressure - force acting normally per unit area, centre of gravity - a point at which the whole weight of the body is considered at act upon, Define Young modulus - stress per unit strain, Define stress - force per unit cross sectional area, Define strain - change in length per unit ORIGINAL length, Define Resistance - voltage per unit current, Define the Ohm - volt per ampere, Define the Coulomb - ampere second ( NOT per second), Define the Volt - joule per coulomb, Polarisation - the restriction of oscillations in a wave to occur on a single plane which contains the direction of propagation of waves, Define force - the rate of change of momentum (NOT F=ma), Define moment - the product of force and the perpendicular distance between the line of action of the force and the pivot, Define torque - the product of one of the forces and the perpendicular distance between them, Define momentum - the product of mass and velocity , conservation of momentum - the total momentum of a system is conserved provided there is no EXTERNAL force, Define emf - work done PER unit charge in bringing the charge around the whole circuit, Define pd - work done PER unit charge in bringing the charge across two points in a circuituit, Define work  - the product of force and displacement in the same direction as the force, Kirchhoff's 1st law - the sum of current entering at a junction = the sum of current leaving the junction, Kirchhoff's 2nd law - in a closed circuit, the sum of emf=the sum of pd, Newton's 1st law - a body remains at rest or moving with a constant velocity provided there is no NET force acting on it, Newton's 2nd law - the rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to (net) force, Newton's 3rd law - when two bodies interact, they exert forces of equal magnitude on each other but in opposite direction, Define wavelength - the distance between two adjacent points that vibrate in phase, Define frequency - the number of oscillations completed by a particle per unit time, Equilibrium or two conditions for a body to be in equilibrium - no net force, no net moment about ANY point, principle of moments - the ACW moment at a point = the CW moment at THE point when the body is in equilibrium, Define mass - the property of a body that resists change in motion, force x time - change in momentum , m(v-u) , also the area under the graph of (net) force-time, random error - an error that causes the reading taken to be scattered around a mean value, systematic error - an error that causes the reading taken to be always either all greater or all smaller than the actual value, precision - a measure of how close measurements are among themselves, accuracy - a measure of how close a reading is compared to the actual value,

AS Physics: Definitions & Meaning of terms


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