1) Which one is matter? a) sound b) air c) light d) heat 2) Which one is chemical properties? a) density b) boiling c) freezing d) decomposition 3) Take the shape of the container but fixed volume. a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas d) Water vapour 4) Rate of diffusion of particles in a solid is a) high b) low c) moderate d) undefined 5) During condensation, a) heat is gone b) heat is trapped c) heat is absorbed d) heat is released 6) Water takes this state between 0 and 100 degrees Celsius. a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) water vapour 7) Appearance, texture, and density are classified as a) physical properties. b) chemical properties. c) magnetic properties. d) thermal properties. 8)  Which is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into any simpler substance by any physical or chemical method? a) Atom b) Molecule c) Element d) Compound 9) Which is/are NOT an example of compound? a) Water b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen gas d) Iron Sulphide 10) 'Neutral particles made up of two or more atoms' is the definition of: a) atom b) molecule c) element d) compound 11) All of the following can conduct electricity, except: a) carbon b) copper c) sulphur d) iron 12) What are the vertical columns on the periodic called? a) groups b) periods c) nonmetals d) metalloids e) metals 13) Most of the elements in the periodic table are a) nonmetals b) metalloids c) metals d) gases 14) This group of elements are not reactive with other elements. a) Group 1 b) Group 2 c) Group 17 d) Group 18 15) Which of the following is the method to separate water and alcohol? a) Distillation b) Sedimentation c) Floatation d) Chromatography

Chapter 5 & 6 Science Form 1


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