1) The sum of two integers is -6.If one of them is 2, then the other is a) -4 b) 4 c) 8 d) -8 2) What must be subtracted from -7 to obtain -15? a) -8 b) 8 c) -22 d) 22 3) (-9)-(-6)=? a) -15 b) -3 c) 3 d) 15 4) 0 is Positive or Negative integer a) only positive b) both c) nothing d) all of these 5) which one is grater -1 or 1 a) both b) both are grater c) -1 d) 1 6) -2 multiply by 0 =? a) -2 b) I do not now c) 0 d) -0

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