be mad at somebody (She's mad at me for being late) - be very angry at somebody, pick up (He picked up something white on the street) - lift something using your hands, shake (Shake the bottle well before use) - move something from side to side or up and down, feel bad about something (I feel bad about not inviting him to the party) - have unpleasant feelings about something that has happened or something that you did., slip (The fish slipped out of my hand) - slide out of position or out of your hand, knock something off (I accidentally knocked the vase off the table) - hit something so that it moves or breaks, pull out (She pulled a chicken leg out of her purse) - take out, blame somebody (She didn't blame me) - think or say that somebody is responsible for something bad, leave something open (She left the purse open) - not close, spill (The bag split, and salt spilled everywhere) - flow over the edge of a container by accident, damage something (He damaged a parked car) - have a bad or harmful effect on something/somebody, destroy something (He destroyed the computer by smashing it to pieces) - damage something so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc., fall out (A few pages fell out of the book) - become loose and drop, leave something on (What happens when iron is left on?) - leave something turned or switched on,

Describing accidents


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